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  HTML Backgrounds :

Adding a plain background color to your page is easy.

All you need to do is add a bgcolor property to the body tag:

<body bgcolor="#FF0000">

As you see, the background color (#FF0000) is entered as a hexadecimal value. You can click here to learn about the hexadecimal system used on HTML pages.

While plain white and plain black are the most widely used colors on the net, there seems to be a trend moving towards slight variations of these.

The reason is that the sharp contrast between pure white or black and the text color might be less readable than a slightly faded white/black.

Look at these examples and choose for yourself which is most readable. To the left are plain white/black and to the right are slight variations.

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Another popular technique to give the background more of a paper touch is to use an image as background.
The next page will teach you how.....


Netscape browsers use a different color definition for it's HTML than what it uses for images on the page.
Use one of the 216 safe colors or use a plain background image in a non-safe color to make sure the background of your page match the images.

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