| NS
A | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | anchor |
ABBR | HTML40 | | | | | abbreviated form (e.g., WWW, HTTP, etc.) |
ACRONYM | HTML40 | | | | | |
ADDRESS | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | information on author |
APPLET | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | Java applet |
AREA | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | client-side image map area |
B | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | bold text style |
BASE | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | document base URI |
BASEFONT | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | base font for the page |
BDO | HTML40 | | | | MSIE5+ | I18N BiDi over-ride |
BGSOUND | | | | | MSIE3+ | background sound |
BIG | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | enlarge text style |
BLINK | | | | NS3+ | | blinking text |
BLOCKQUOTE | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | long quotation |
BODY | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | document body |
BR | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | forced line break |
BUTTON | HTML40 | | | | MSIE4+ | push button |
CAPTION | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | table caption |
CENTER | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE4+ | shorthand for DIV align=center |
CITE | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | citation font format |
CODE | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | computer code fragment |
COL | HTML40 | | | | MSIE3+ | table column |
COLGROUP | HTML40 | | | | MSIE3+ | table column group |
COMMENT | | | | | MSIE3+ | comment ignored by the browser |
DD | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | definition description |
DEL | HTML40 | | | | MSIE4+ | deleted text |
DFN | HTML40 | HTML32 | | | MSIE3+ | instance definition |
DIR | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | directory list |
DIV | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | generic language/style container |
DL | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | definition list |
DT | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | definition term |
EM | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | emphasis |
EMBED | | | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | embeds external object in HTML |
FIELDSET | HTML40 | | | | MSIE4+ | form control group |
FONT | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | local change to font |
FORM | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | interactive form |
FRAME | HTML40 | | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | subwindow |
FRAMESET | HTML40 | | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | window subdivision |
H1 | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | heading |
H2 | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | heading |
H3 | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | heading |
H4 | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | heading |
H5 | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | heading |
H6 | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | heading |
HEAD | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | document head |
HR | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | horizontal rule |
HTML | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | document root element |
I | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | italic text style |
IFRAME | HTML40 | | | | MSIE3+ | inline subwindow |
ILAYER | | | | NS4+ | | positioning content |
IMG | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | Embedded image |
INPUT | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | form control/field |
INS | HTML40 | | | | MSIE4+ | inserted text |
ISINDEX | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE4+ | single line prompt |
KBD | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | text to be entered by the user |
KEYGEN | | | | NS4+ | | for use in web-based certificate management systems |
LABEL | HTML40 | | | | MSIE4+ | form field label text |
LAYER | | | | NS4+ | | positioning content |
LEGEND | HTML40 | | | | MSIE4+ | fieldset legend |
LI | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | list item |
LINK | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS4+ | MSIE3+ | a media-independent link |
MAP | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | client-side image map |
MARQUEE | | | | | MSIE3+ | scrolling text field |
MENU | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | menu list |
META | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | generic metainformation |
MULTICOL | | | | NS3+ | | multiple column formatting |
NOBR | | | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | ensures that a line of text does not wrap to the next line |
NOEMBED | | | | NS3+ | | alternative text for embedded objects |
NOFRAMES | HTML40 | | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | alternate content container for non frame-based rendering |
NOLAYER | | | | NS3+ | | positioning content |
NOSCRIPT | HTML40 | | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | alternate content container for non script-based rendering |
OBJECT | HTML40 | | | NS4+ | MSIE3+ | generic embedded object |
OL | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | ordered list |
OPTGROUP | HTML40 | | | | | option group |
OPTION | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | selectable choice |
P | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | paragraph |
PARAM | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | named property value |
PLAINTEXT | | | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | text format |
PRE | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | preformatted text |
Q | HTML40 | | | | MSIE4+ | sets apart a quotation in text |
S | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS2+ | MSIE3+ | strike-through text style |
SAMP | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | | MSIE3+ | sample program output, scripts, etc. |
SCRIPT | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | script statements |
SELECT | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | option selector |
SERVER | | | | NS3+ | | specifies server-side JavaScript statements |
SMALL | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | small text style |
SPACER | | | | NS3+ | | inserts a space in a document |
SPAN | HTML40 | | | NS4+ | MSIE3+ | generic language/style container |
STRIKE | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | strike-through text |
STRONG | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | strong emphasis |
STYLE | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS4+ | MSIE3+ | style info |
SUB | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | subscript |
SUP | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | superscript |
TABLE | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | table |
TBODY | HTML40 | | | | MSIE4+ | table body |
TD | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | table data cell |
TEXTAREA | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | multi-line text field |
TFOOT | HTML40 | | | | MSIE4+ | table footer |
TH | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | table header cell |
THEAD | HTML40 | | | | MSIE4+ | table header |
TITLE | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | document title |
TR | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | table row |
TT | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | teletype or monospaced text style |
U | HTML40 | HTML32 | | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | underlined text style |
UL | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | unordered list |
VAR | HTML40 | HTML32 | HTML20 | NS3+ | MSIE3+ | instance of a variable or program argument |
W3C-Specifications for HTML-4.0, HTML-3.2 & HTML-2.0 from Web Consortium (
Netscape Browser Specifications from DevEdge (
Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) Specifications from WebWorkshop (