JavaScript Objects :

The window.document object contains information about the current document, and provides methods for displaying HTML output to the user.


onClickAn object on a form is clickedNS2+
onDblClickThe user double clicks a form element or a linkNS2+
onKeyDownThe user depresses a keyNS2+
onKeyPressThe user presses or holds down a keyNS2+
onKeyUpThe user releases a keyNS2+
onMouseDownThe user depresses a mouse buttonNS2+
onMouseUpThe user releases a mouse buttonNS2+

DEF indicates which version of Netscape browser introduced the object. You can click the DEF link to get the complete object documentation provided by DevEdge.


alinkColorA string that specifies the ALINK attribute.NS2+
anchorsAn array containing an entry for each anchor in the document.NS2+
bgColorA string that specifies the BGCOLOR attribute.NS2+
cookieSpecifies a cookie.NS2+
fgColorA string that specifies the TEXT attribute.NS2+
lastModifiedA string that specifies the date the document was last modified.NS2+
linkColorA string that specifies the LINK attribute.NS2+
linksAn array containing an entry for each link in the document.NS2+
referrerA string that specifies the URL of the calling document.NS2+
titleA string that specifies the contents of the TITLE tag.NS2+
URLA string that specifies the complete URL of a document.NS2+
vlinkColorA string that specifies the VLINK attribute.NS2+
closeCloses an output stream and forces data to display.NS2+
openOpens a stream to collect the output of write or writeln methods.NS2+
writeWrites one or more HTML expressions to a document in the specified window.NS2+
writelnWrites one or more HTML expressions to a document in the specified window and follows them with a newline character.NS2+
appletsAn array containing an entry for each applet in the document.NS3+
domainSpecifies the domain name of the server that served a document.NS3+
embedsAn array containing an entry for each plug-in in the document.NS3+
formNameA separate property for each named form in the document.NS3+
formsAn array a containing an entry for each form in the document.NS3+
imagesAn array containing an entry for each image in the document.NS3+
pluginsAn array containing an entry for each plug-in in the document.NS3+
layersArray containing an entry for each layer within the document.NS4+
captureEventsSets the document to capture all events of the specified type.NS4+
getSelectionReturns a string containing the text of the current selection.NS4+
handleEventInvokes the handler for the specified event.NS4+
releaseEventsSets the window or document to release captured events of the specified type, sending the event to objects further along the event hierarchy.NS4+
routeEventPasses a captured event along the normal event hierarchy.NS4+

DEF indicates which version of Netscape browser introduced the object. You can click the DEF link to get the complete object documentation provided by DevEdge.


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