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  JavaScript Objects :

 Array Multidimensional variable2+4+ECMA 1
 concat() Combines two existing Array objects to one3+4+ECMA 1
 join() Returns a string with elements from an Array2+4+ECMA 1
 pop() Removes the last value from an Array.3+5.5+ECMA 1
 push() Appends a value to the end of an Array.3+5.5+ECMA 1
 reverse() Reverse the order of elements in an Array.2+4+ECMA 1
 shift() Removes the first value from an Array.3+5.5+ECMA 1
 slice() Returns a subset from an Array.3+4+ECMA 1
 sort() Sorts an Array.2+4+ECMA 1
 splice() Adds new elements to an Array while removing old elements.3+4+ECMA 1
 toLocaleString() Returns a String with current locale format and separators.n/a4+ECMA 1
 toSource() String representing the source code of the object.4+n/an/a
 toString() Returns Array elements as string type separated by commas.2+4+ECMA 1
 unshift() Inserts a value at the beginning of an Array.3+5.5+ECMA 1
 valueOf() Returns Array elements as string type separated by commas.2+4+n/a
 constructor Reference to the function that created an object.2+4+ECMA 1
 index Zero-based index of the match for array created by a regular expression match.3+4+n/a
 input Original string used to match for array created by a regular expression match.3+4+n/a
 length Returns the length of an Array2+4+ECMA 1
 prototype Creates a new method for Array objects2+4+ECMA 1

 Array Core object 
 Multidimensional variable

Syntax 1
  var myArray = new Array()

Syntax 2
  var myArray = new Array(sizeInteger)

Syntax 3
  var myArray = new Array(element0, element1, ..., elementN)

Browser support:
 Microsoft Internet Explorer: 4+
 Netscape Browser: 2+
 JavaScript 1.1 (by Netscape)
 JScript 2 (by Microsoft)
 ECMA Script 1 (ECMA Standard)

Example 1 :

  var myArray = new Array();
  alert('The last car is a '+myArray[1]);

Example 2 :

  var myArray = new Array('Mercedes','Volvo');
  alert('The last car is a '+myArray[1]);

It takes about half a second for a server to respond to a request sent via the internet.
If your page has 10 very small images - each with a size of 100 bytes - it will take longer to load than had it been a continuous stream of 1000 bytes.

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