IRC - Internet Relay Chat - is a global network connecting thousands of people.
Actually there is more than one IRC network you can join. Three of the more popular ones are: EFnet, Undernet and Dalnet. All of these networks have channels (rooms) where many people can join in the discussion.
Of special relevance to the webdesign community are the #html channels.
The most popular IRC program is mIRC. However it is shareware. If you do not want to pay for mIRC you might consider IRC Gold or the free beta of VIRC.
People on one IRC network can not chat with people on a different IRC network. Therefore, you might consider installing a messenger on your PC.
Messengers are programs that will let you see when your friends are online - if they have the same messenger as you. The most popular one is ICQ (I seek you).
Messengers have chat options like IRC programs. However, messengers are in general used for private one-on-one chats, while IRC is most used for chat with strangers and larger groups.
Many instant messenger programs now have a voice chat feature. Add a microphone and speakers to your PC, and you can talk by voice to anyone in the world...for FREE!

