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ISO8859-1 CHARACTER SET (Latin-1)
Supported by both Microsoft and Netscpape Browsers

� -

	 Horizontal Tabspace

 Line feedspace

! Exclamation mark!
""Quotation mark"
# Number sign#
$ Dollar sign$
% Percent sign%
' Apostrophe'
( Left parenthesis(
) Right parenthesis)
* Asterisk*
+ Plus sign+
, Comma,
- Hyphen-
. Period (full stop).
/ Solidus (slash)/
0 -
Digits (0-9)0 - 9
: Colon:
&#59; Semi-colon;
&#60;&lt;Less than<
&#61; Equals sign=
&#62;&gt;Greater than>
&#63; Question mark?
&#64; Commercial at@
&#65; -
Upper case A-ZA - Z
&#91; Left sqaure bracket[
&#92; Reverse solidus (backslash)
&#93; Right sqaure bracket]
&#94; Caret^
&#95; Horizontal bar_
&#96; Acute accent`
&#97; -
Lower case a-za - z
&#123; Left curly brace{
&#124; Vertical bar|
&#125; Right curly brace}
&#126; Tilde~
&#127; -
MSIE ONLY! Listed here.
&#160;&nbsp;Non-breaking space
&#161;&iexcl;Inverted exclamation
&#162;&cent;Cent sign
&#163;&pound;Pound sterling sign
&#164;&curren;General currency sign
&#165;&yen;Yen sign
&#166;&brvbar;Broken vertical bar
&#167;&sect;Section sign
&#168;&uml;Umlaut (dierisis)
&#170;&ordf;Feminine ordinal
&#171;&laquo;Left angle quote, guillemot left
&#172;&not;Not sign
&#173;&shy;Soft hyphen
&#174;&reg;Registered trademark
&#175;&macr;Macron accent
&#176;&deg;Degree sign
&#177;&plusmn;Plus or minus
&#178;&sup2;Superscript two
&#179;&sup3;Superscript three
&#180;&acute;Acute accent
&#181;&micro;Micro sign
&#182;&para;Paragraph sign
&#183;&middot;Middle dot
&#185;&sup1;Superscript one
&#186;&ordm;Masculine ordinal
&#187;&raquo;Right angle quote, guillemot right
&#188;&frac14;Fraction (one quarter)
&#189;&frac12;Fraction (one half)
&#190;&frac34;Fraction (three quarters)
&#191;&iquest;Inverted question mark
&#192;&Agrave;Capital A, grave accent
&#193;&Aacute;Capital A, acute accent
&#194;&Acirc;Capital A, circumflex accent
&#195;&Atilde;Capital A, tilde
&#196;&Auml;Capital A, umlaut (dierisis)
&#197;&Aring;Capital A, ring
&#198;&AElig;Capital AE dipthong (ligature)
&#199;&Ccedil;Capital C, cedilla
&#200;&Egrave;Capital E, grave accent
&#201;&Eacute;Capita E, acute accent
&#202;&Eirc;Capital E, circumflex accent
&#203;&Euml;Capital E, umlaut (dierisis)
&#204;&Igrave;Capital I, grave accent
&#205;&Iacute;Capital I, acute accent
&#206;&Icirc;Capital I, circumflex accent
&#207;&Iuml;Capital I, umlaut (dierisis)
&#208;&ETH;Capital Eth, Icelandic
&#209;&Ntilde;Capital N, tilde
&#210;&Ograve;Capital O, grave accent
&#211;&OacuteCapital O, acute accent
&#212;&Ocirc;Capital O, circumflex accent
&#213;&Otilde;Capital O, tilde
&#214;&Ouml;Capital O, umlaut (dierisis)
&#215;&times;Multiply sign
&#216;&Oslash;Capital O, slash
&#217;&UgraveCapital U, grave accent
&#218;&Uacute;Capital U, acute accent
&#219;&Ucirc;Capital U, circumflex accent
&#220;&Uuml;Capital U, umlaut (dierisis)
&#221;&Yacute;Capital Y, acute accent
&#222;&THORN;Capital Thorn, Icelandic
&#223;&szlig;Small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
&#224;&agrave;Small a, grave accent
&#225;&aacute;Small a, acute accent
&#226;&acirc;Small a, circumflex accent
&#227;&atilde;Small a, tilde
&#228;&aumlSmall a, umlaut (dierisis)
&#229;&aring;Small a, ring
&#230;&aelig;Small ae dipthong (ligature)
&#231;&ccedil;Small c, cedilla
&#232;&egrave;Small e, grave accent
&#233;&eacute;Small e, acute accent
&#234;&ecirc;Small e, circumflex accent
&#235;&euml;Small e, umlaut (dierisis)
&#236;&igrave;Small i, grave accent
&#237;&iacute;Small i, acute accent
&#238;&icirc;Small i, circumflex accent
&#239;&iuml;Small i, umlaut (dierisis)
&#240;&eth;Small eth, Icelandic
&#241;&ntilde;Small n, tilde
&#242;&ograve;Small o, grave accent
&#243;&oacute;Small o, acute accent
&#244;&ocirc;Small o, circumflex accent
&#245;&otilde;Small o, tilde
&#246;&ouml;Small o, umlaut (dierisis)
&#247;&divide;Division sign
&#248;&oslash;Small o, slash
&#249;&ugrave;Small u, grave accent
&#250;&uacute;Small u, acute accent
&#251;&ucirc;Small u, circumflex accent
&#252;&uuml;Small u, umlaut (dierisis)
&#253;&yacute;Small y, acute accent
&#254;&thorn;Small thorn, Icelandic
&#255;&yuml;Small y, umlaut (dierisis)

Special characters
As supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer - Not supported by Netscape browsers

&#130; Comma
&#131; Mathematical function f
&#132; Low quotation mark
&#133; Triple dots
&#134; Footnote mark
&#135; Footnote mark (2)
&#136; Circumflex accent
&#137; Perthousandth
&#138; Capital S, inverted circumflex
&#139; Small less then
&#140; Capital OE, dipthong (ligature)
&#145; SIngle quote (opening)
&#146; Single quote (closing)
&#147; Double quote (opening)
&#148; Double quote (closing)
&#149; Large middle dot
&#150; Middle dash
&#151; Double middle dash
&#152; Tilde
&#153;(See Note!)Trademark
&#154; Small s, inverted circumflex
&#155; Small greater than
&#156; Small oe, dipthong (ligature)
&#159; Capital Y, umlaut (dierisis)

Note: ™ (Trademark Logo) can be referred to by Netscape browsers with the name ™

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