If you want your link to open a page in a new window use the target="_blank" in the <a href> tag.
Targetting the link to "_blank" simply opens a new browser window that will load the linked page.
Linking to Yahoo the traditional way would require this link:
<a href="http://www.yahoo.com">Go to Yahoo</a>
If you add a target="_blank", the page will open in a new window:
<a href="http://www.yahoo.com" target="_blank">Go to Yahoo</a>
Click the link below to see this link in action:
If you want to customize the new window as to which buttons, menus etc. should be available and which size it should have, you will need to do that with javascript.
You can use our Popup Tool to create your own customized windows without knowledge of javascript.
You can learn more about predefined link targets here.

