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  HTML Links :

Having a link that allows visitors to send email from your website can be a great addition to your site, making it easy for your visitors to send questions or comments.

There is a special link for this action.

Email links are done much the same as links to other pages, using the
<a href> tag.

An email link would require the following code:

<a href="mailto:youremailaddress">Email Me</a>

This will result in the visitor's email program opening a new email with your address already in the To: field.

If you wish to have a specific subject in the email, you can add it to the html code using subject= setting :

<a href="">
Send Email</a>

Suppose you want an email link for your visitors containing specific text in the body of their message, simply add &body=:

<a href=" send me a copy of your new program!">Send Email</a>

Or combine all the options and allow your visitor to send email with the address, subject and text already entered.

<a href="
&body=Please send me a copy of your new program!">Email Me</a>


Most professional sites limit their use of javascript to about 10 different issues.
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