You can use the refresh meta tag to automatically load a page after x seconds.
<META http-equiv="REFRESH" content="5; url=http://www.echoecho.com">
In the example www.echoecho.com is loaded after 5 seconds.
Below are a few examples on using this tag.
The most common use of the REFRESH meta tag is for redirection. Typically when a site changes the domain name.
If you take a site down from the old domain - people who go to there from bookmarks will get an: Error 404 - File Not Found.
Instead you should place a page on the old domain saying something like "This site has moved. Please wait and you will be taken to the new domain. Remember to update your bookmarks."
If you keep this page on the old domain for a few months you will not loose the visitors that already have your site bookmarked with the old domain name.
Another more creative use of the REFRESH tag is a fancy intro to a site.
Say, you wanted the page to write "Welcome", then after 1 second, "Get Ready!", and after one more second it should say "For A Special Experience". Finally, after a few seconds the real page would be loaded.
This could be achieved by creating 3 pages with a refresh tag on them. The first page would load the second page after 1 second, which in turn would have a refresh tag that loads the third page after 1 more second.

