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  Flash Drawing :

The drawing tools in Flash let you create and modify shapes for the artwork in your movies. For an interactive introduction to drawing in Flash, choose Help > Lessons > Drawing in your Flash program.

The tools for painting are kept in the "Tools" bar, usually positioned at the left top of your Flash Screen.

Flash Drawing Toolbar.

On the following pages we will guide you through the use of each of these tools, starting with the simplest.

But before going through the different tools, we will look at the way Flash handle drawings.

The most important thing to understand is the distinction between outlines and fills.

When you draw a line there is no fill - only the outline.

When you draw a rectangle (or a circle) you actually draw two things: The outline (border) and the fill. Unlike most other programs, Flash doesn't automatically combine these two into one object.


Most free graphic sites offer graphics that you can browse at random.
Our online tool lets you select each of our 3000 graphics in any color you want.
And you can see how backgrounds, buttons and dividers work together at the same time.

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