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  Flash Drawing :

Paint Bucket Tool

The Paint Bucket tool fills enclosed areas with color.

It can both fill empty areas and change the color of already painted areas.

You can paint with solid colors, gradient fills, and bitmap fills.

You can also use the Paint Bucket tool to adjust the size, direction, and center of gradient and bitmap fills.

To use the Paint Bucket tool to fill an area:

1. Select the Paint Bucket tool.

2. Choose a fill color from the color tool box.

Color Tools:
Tool Box : Colors

3. Click the Gap Size modifier Gap Size Modifier Option and choose a gap size option:
  • Don't Close Gaps : if you want to close gaps manually before filling the shape. Closing gaps manually can be faster for complex drawings.

  • Choose one of the Close options to have Flash fill a shape that has gaps.

4. Click the shape or enclosed area that you want to fill.

To adjust a gradient or bitmap fill with the Paint Bucket tool:

1. Select the Paint Bucket tool.

2. Click the Transform Fill Transform Fill Modifier.

3. Click an area filled with a gradient or bitmap fill.
Depending on the type of object you're painting you will see different handles:

a. Transform Linear Gradient Fills
Transform Linear Fill.

b. Transform Radial Gradient Fills
Transform Radial Fill.

c. Transform Bitmap Fills
Transform Bitmap Fill.

4. Reshape the fill in any of the following ways:

a. To reposition the center point, drag the center point.
Reposition center point of fill

b. To change the width of the fill, drag the square handle on the side of the bounding box. (This option resizes only the fill, not the object containing the fill.)
Change the width of fill

c. To change the height of the fill, drag the square handle at the bottom of the bounding box.
Change the height of fill

d. To rotate the fill, drag the circular rotation handle at the corner. You can also drag the lowest handle on the bounding circle of a circular gradient or fill.
Rotate fill

e. To scale a linear gradient, drag the square handle at the center of the bounding box.
Scale linear fill

f. To change the radius of a circular gradient, drag the middle circular handle on the bounding circle.
Scale radial fill

g. To skew or slant a fill within a shape, drag one of the circular handles on the top or right side of the bounding box.
Skew a fill inside a shape

h. To tile (repeat) a bitmap inside a shape, scale the fill.
Tile a fill inside a shape

Note: To see all of the handles when working with large fills or fills close to the edge of the Stage, choose View > Work Area.

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