CGI Resources :

If what you want is a counter showing visits to a page, "TheCounter" is what you're looking for.

It will place a small fast loading GIF image on your page showing the number of visits.

Unlike similar services, TheCounter even allows this image to be transparent, that way you can count your visitors without sharing it with the entire world.

If you log on to TheCounter website, you will be able to read more detailed statistics about your visitors, including: browser type, screen resolution, etc.

Click here to get TheCounter.


Bravenet Hit Counters are very useful tools to keep an eye on traffic to your site. Counters come in various sizes and colors, and increment when new visitors come to your web page.

All of Bravenet's services are hosted on the Bravenet server. There is no need for you to have CGI access on your site. Each service is designed for ease of use, user friendliness, customization, speed and reliability. Services are ready for use in minutes.

Click here to sign up with Bravenet.

If it's not just a counter you want, but rather a sophisticated tool providing analysis of all kinds of statistics about your visitors, you should check out the CGI Statistics page.

Other Counters

There are several other free counters available on the net.

Check out some of the more popular ones.



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